2024 - 2025
Student Handbook
Handbook Authority
The Wake Forest University School of Law implements this Student Handbook to guide students in the policies and procedures needed to navigate their program of study. The content contained in the Student Handbook applies to all students in all School of Law programs. Various policies and procedures may outline provisions for specific programs as necessary. All employees of the Wake Forest School of Law are also bound by applicable policies and procedures.
Student Knowledge of Handbook Expectations
All students of the Wake Forest University School of Law are responsible for reviewing and understanding all information contained in the Student Handbook. Failure to review the Handbook is not an acceptable defense for the failure to adhere to any policy or procedure contained herein, including but not limited to the Honor Code contained in Chapter 11.
Handbook Updates and Process
The Student Handbook is generally reviewed and updated each summer for the upcoming academic year. Previous versions of the Student Handbook are maintained for historical policy review. From time to time, updates may be made during the course of the academic year. Students and employees will be promptly notified of material changes.
An updated version of the Student Handbook is published by the beginning of the Fall semester each academic year and posted to the Wake Forest University School of Law website.
General Requirements for the Juris Doctor Degree
Credit Hour Determination
Fall and Spring Course Load
Summer Course Load
First-Year Curriculum
Upper-Level Required Courses
Experiential Learning Requirement
Statutory Interpretation and Agency Regulation Requirement
Multiple Experiential Learning Experiences in the Same Semester
Limits on Hours Earned Through Field Placements, Other Study Outside of the Classroom, and in Another Department, School, College, or the University
Transfer Credit Policy
Pre-Matriculation Credits
JD Degree Transfer Students
Transfer Credit for Dual and Concurrent Degree Programs
Transfer Credit for Wake Forest Exchange Students
Transfer Credit for Wake Forest Students Visiting Away
Minimum Grade Requirement
Accounts Payable to School of Law
Degree Length
Accelerated Graduation
Visiting JD Students
JD/MBA Concurrent Degree
JD/MA in Bioethics Dual Degree
JD/MDiv Dual Degree
JD/MA in Sustainability Duel Degree
Two-Year JD for International Lawyers
Two-Year JD Degree General Requirements
LLM Degree General Requirements
Required Courses
Fall and Spring Course Load
Summer Course Load
Degree Length
Minimum Grade Requirement
Accounts Payable to School of Law
Doctor of Juridical Science (SJD) Degree
SJD Degree General Requirements
Required Courses
Fall and Spring Course Load
Summer Course Load
Degree Length
Accounts Payable to School of Law
Master of Studies in Law (MSL) Program
MSL Degree General Requirements
MSL Graduate Certificate and Requirements
MSL Tracks
Course Load and Continuous Enrollment
Term Course Load and Student Status
MSL Degree Length
MSL Graduate Certificate Length
Minimum Grade Requirement
Accounts Payable to School of Law
Exclusion for Academic Reasons
Leaves of Absence and Withdrawals
Voluntary Leave of Absence
Return from Leaves of Absence
Return from Second Medical Leave of Absence
Readmission for Academically Ineligible Students
Limits on Distance Education Courses
Restrictions on Dual Enrollments in Experiential Learning Courses
Class Attendance and Participation
Cancelling Classes Because of Weather
Using and Misusing Computer and Other Electronic Devices in Class
Smartphone and Electronic Device Sounds
Class Size (Enrollment Minimum)
Administrative Implementation Timeline
Rights and Responsibilities of Students and the Institution
Grievance Procedure
Service Animal Guidelines
Students with Temporary Disabilities
Grading Systems for JD Students
Mandatory Grading Policy ("MGP")
Modified Mandatory Grading Policy ("MMGP")
Pass/Fail Grading Policy ("PFGP")
Professional Development Grading Policy
Grading System for LLM and SJD Students
Pass/Fail Course Election for LLM Students
LLM Thesis Optional Grading
SJD Dissertation Optional Grading
Grading System for MSL Students
Pass/Fail Option for Transfer, Concurrent/Dual Degree, LLM, SJD, and MSL Students
Section 1: Preamble
Section 2: Purpose
Section 3: Coverage
Section 4. Publication
Section 5. Bar Admissions and Background Inquiries
Section 6. Definitions
Article II: Scope and Jurisdiction
Section 1: Honor Council Original Jurisdiction
Section 2: Faculty Retention of Jurisdiction
Article III: Prohibited Conduct
Section 1. Coverage
Section 2. Lying
Section 3. Cheating
Section 4. Plagiarism
Section 5. Submitting Work for Multiple Purposes
Section 6. Abuse of Library Privileges
Section 7. Stealing
Section 8. Abuse of Shared Electronic Media
Section 9. Failure to Comply with an Affirmative Duty
Article IV. Affirmative Duties
Article V. Preliminary Hearing Procedures
Section 1. Referral to Student Solicitor
Section 2. Notice of Preliminary Hearing to Respondent
Section 3. Timing of Preliminary Hearing
Section 4. Summer Option for Preliminary Hearing
Section 5. Membership of Preliminary Hearing Panel
Section 6. Virtual Attendance
Section 7. Procedure at Preliminary Hearing
Section 8. Decision of the Panel
Section 9. Record of Preliminary Hearing Panel Proceedings
Article VI. Charge and Sanctioning Hearing Procedures
Section 1. Name and Purpose
Section 2. Timing, Notice, and Exchange of Witness Lists
Section 3. Private or Public Charge Hearing
Section 4. Membership and Voting Rights at the Charge Hearing
Section 5. Recording
Section 5. Marshal's Duties at Charge Hearing
Section 7. Solicitor's Case
Section 8. Respondent's Defense
Section 9. Closing Arguments
Section 10. Instructions to Jury
Section 11. Jury Deliberations
Section 12. Sanction Hearing
Section 13. Referral to the Dean
Section 14. Appeals Procedure
Section 15. Final Disposition
Section 16. Sanctions
Article VII. Organization of Honor Council
Section 1. Membership
Section 2. Election
Section 3. Election of Officers
Section 4. Roles of Officers
Section 5. Election of Solicitors and Counsels
Section 6. Jury Selection
Student Grievances Relating to School of Law ABA Compliance
Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools
Student Account Tuition & Fee Due Dates
Tuition and Fee Details (2024 - 2025 Academic Year)
Academic Year Tuition (Fall/Spring Semesters)
Summer Session Tuition
Student Health Insurance
Wellness Fee
Deacon Health Fee
University Technology Fee
Student Activity Fee
Student Parking Fees
Books, Course Materials, Supplies, and Equipment
Past Due Balances and Course Cancellation Policy
Regular Tuition Payment Procedure
Schedule of Adjustments for Withdrawal or Leave of Absence
Fall/Spring Semesters
Summer Half Sessions
Summer Full Sessions
Conduct or Honor Code Violations
University Disruption Refund Policy
Fall and Spring Semesters
Summer Half Sessions
Full Summer Session
Return of Title IV Program Funds Policy
Academic Engagement for MSL Students Relating to Financial Aid
Title IV Authorization for Use of Federal Funds
Satisfactory Academic Progress
Section One. Policy for Federal Financial Aid
Section Two. Qualitative and Quantitative Standards of Satisfactory Academic Progress
Section Three. Financial Aid Warning and Loss of Eligibility
Section Four. Appeals
Section Five. Reinstatement of Aid Eligibility
Veterans Benefits & Transition Act of 2018
Scholarships, Loans, and Work-Study
Scholarship Terms and Conditions