Google Chat Community Guidelines

Google Chat Spaces are designed to facilitate communication between Law School students, leadership and students, and students and staff.

At Wake Forest Law, we strive to create a community that is safe, welcoming, and vibrant for all. These guidelines help ensure our Google Chat community reflects these values. We expect every community member to adhere to the following guidelines:

Professional Conduct:
Treat the Law School Google Chat Spaces as an extension of your student experience. All communications should be professional, respectful, inclusive, and kind. Remember, everything shared in these spaces is public. Avoid conversations that should remain private.

Participation in Google Chat Spaces is voluntary. Though not recommended, you can disable notifications from Google Chat Spaces for which you are enrolled without consequence. Official information from the Law School and the University will be sent via email, with occasional reminders in Google Chat Spaces.

Civility and Respect:
Our community is diverse and inclusive. Communicate kindly and respectfully, considering the varied perspectives of all members. Assume best intentions and engage in productive discussions. Remember, your peers will be your professional network beyond Wake Forest Law—so treat them as such.

Participate in a way that feels comfortable for you. Active participation keeps Spaces vibrant and engaging. Post content, ask questions, react to messages, and connect with peers. Share only what you are comfortable sharing.

Best Practices:

Google Chat Spaces Etiquette:

Thoughtful Messaging:
Ensure your messages are clear, professional, and easy to understand. Consider the value and frequency of your communications, especially reminders.

While staff may post questions and prompts, we do not constantly monitor all student posts or view content in private messages.

Respect Others’ Time:
Be mindful of people’s time. Although chat responses may be quicker than email, remember that everyone has various commitments. There should not be an expectation for immediate responses.

Connecting with Staff and Faculty:
Not all staff members are available on Google Chat. While you may contact staff via Chat, please note that there is no obligation of staff members to monitor or respond to students in Google Chat. It is best to contact staff via email or schedule direct appointments. Only message faculty if they have expressly permitted it.

Closed Community:
Conversations in Google Chat Spaces should remain within the Law School community. Do not share screenshots or recordings without consent, except when reporting policy violations.

We do not tolerate disrespect. Unacceptable behavior includes:

If a communication potentially violates these standards or School policy, take a screenshot and report it to (for potential violations by students) or (for potential violations by staff). Wake Forest Law staff moderators may issue warnings and delete inappropriate posts. Violations may lead to removal from Google Chat Spaces and/or other disciplinary action.

These guidelines may change at any time. Updates will be communicated appropriately.