Events and Alcohol Policy

The School of Law has adopted a formal policy governing the use of alcohol at functions held on campus and regulating the extent to which its funds may be used to purchase alcoholic beverages. The School of Law is an academic professional institution with a mission to educate and prepare students for the intellectually and morally demanding legal profession. Stress is a part of life, not only for the law student, but for the practitioner. Alcohol abuse poses a danger to students and professionals who grow to depend upon alcohol to handle stress. The following alcohol policy is designed to aid responsible decisions regarding alcohol use.

Alcoholic beverages at functions held on campus or funded by the School of Law will be available only in limited circumstances, for events that have a purpose clearly related to the law school program. Alcohol may not be provided or consumed in the building during the academic year during regular daytime business hours (8:30 am - 5:00 pm).  At other times, alcohol may be provided or consumed on school premises or using school funds only with permission; requests should be made to the Assistant Dean for Student Affairs. Requests should ordinarily be made at the beginning of the semester, but in any event at least two weeks before the affected event.  If alcohol is to be made available, the following rules apply: